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Women of the ELCA

The Women of Faith Circle will meet March 9, 2022 at 6:00 the fellowship hall. 


WELCA’s project for February is the church kitchen.  WELCA is collecting small paper plates, (paper, plastic, or Styrofoam), paper towels, and hand soaps.  This project is open to the entire congregation.  There is a cart in the narthex for your donations.


Important Dates in March


March 2 - Ash Wednesday


March 13th - Daylight Saving Time begins.  Turn your clocks forward on Saturday night.

March 17th - St. Patrick's Day

March 20th - First Day of Spring

5 Reasons to Join WELCA

You are a valued member of Philadelphia Lutheran Church.

WELCA is a wonderful way to participate in outreach to the community.

You can stay up to date with fellow women at Philadelphia Lutheran, rather than left feeling out of the loop.

We always find something to feel good about, to share, to have a laugh over, to be thankful for, to be spiritually renewed by, and of course the icing on the cake: we always have good food to eat!

You will be a part of a wonderful group of women that really gets the work done, leaving all ladies involved with a big sense of accomplishment..

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