Children’s Sunday School @ Philadelphia Lutheran
The turn out for our Easter children’s events was not large but the kids did not let that stop them from having a lot of fun! They started in the bounce house followed by breakfast then the fun could begin! They hunted eggs then filled a basket at the filling station!
I would like to thank all the ladies who provided candy (and eggs) and Leah for filling them. Then we had a hiding team made up of our older “youth”. Of course, none of this could have happened without Judy P. who not only reminded me that Easter was coming but had so many wonderful ideas and kept us on a timeline. Thank you, Judy!! My only wish would be that I had minds to pick on how things were done in the past so we could build on that in the future.
“Let the little children come unto me”
Matthew 19:14, Mark 10:14, Luke 18:16