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About Philadelphia


Diane Cline


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Ken Eidenmiller

Music Director

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Judy Parker


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David Hartmann


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Philadelphia Lutheran has the proud history of being one of the oldest churches in Caldwell County, NC, having been organized mid-19th century in the year 1865. The founding members first met in their homes, eventually moving their worship to various schools and buildings. A brick church on North Main Street was completed in 1913, and the Reverend J. P. Price served as Pastor.  Total construction cost was about $5000. 


In 1933 an educational building was added to the 1913 North Main Street sanctuary. It was named the Alvin Lutz Memorial Sunday School Building. In 1949 Philadelphia became independent from St. Matthew's and St. John's, and had the first full time Pastor, who was Rev. James Kivet Cobb.   


Nearly 30 years later in 1961, a new brick parsonage was constructed and completed on Falls Avenue for an estimated cost of $20,000. Within only 5 short years, in 1966, the building was paid in full.


In 1965, Shuford Mills Inc. generously donated a plot of land on the corner of N. Highland Avenue and Pinewood Road in Granite Falls to be used for a new church location, paving the way for new expansion at Philadelphia Lutheran.  In 1974 while Rev. David Huddle was Pastor, the congregation voted to relocate the entire church complex to this site.  In 1975 additional lots were purchased from Shuford Mills to complete almost 5 acres of land for construction.  


Ground breaking of what is now the modern day establishment for Philadelphia Lutheran Church was held on December 5, 1976, and construction began immediately thereafter. The contract for over $350,000 was awarded to Burke Construction Company in Morganton, NC.  The new church was completed a little over a year later, and the first service was held on January 29, 1978 with 234 people in attendance.


To better serve the church congregation as well as the community, an addition of a new fellowship hall was completed in 1987. On March 4, 1990 a time capsule was added outside of the new fellowship hall which will be opened March 4, 2065 on the 200 year anniversary.  Also, a columbarium was added to the west side of the church in 2006 for internment of members and family.  In September 27, 2015 Philadelphia Lutheran Church celebrated 150 years of service to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Over 245 people attended the worship service, and many more came to the covered dish luncheon.  

The members of Philadelphia Lutheran would like to continue the service to the community, the work of the Lord, and the sharing of our brotherly love to all people.  


Philadelphia Lutheran Church is a proud member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Association (ELCA).

Saved by God's Grace:  We are called to make Christ known through witness and service.


Philadelphia Lutheran Church celebrated 150 years of ministry in 2015. As the church continues into the future, Philadelphia will spread the good news of Jesus Christ and minister to all of God's children. We invite everyone to attend the Church of Brotherly love.  

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